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Branch Information


Branch Manager

Audrey Singh


Join us at an event!

Join us at at one of our events, held in our popular branch in Birmingham! We have a host of cooking classes, hands-on workshops and open days tailored to support you in your journey with Thermomix. All our events are completely FREE to attend so book your space today!

Meet the Branch Manager

Audrey Singh

What's your Vorwerk Story?

My mum had a Thermomix® in the late 70s, originally from France, food has always been a passion of mine, and so is Thermomix®! I got my first Thermomix® TM31 when I got married, the fact that I could cook any dishes from around the world was amazing. I joined as a Thermomix® advisor in 2015 to earn my TM5 for free, but also to earn some money while I could look after my 2 young children. 8 years on I am passionate about what I do, meeting delighted Thermomix® customers and supporting my team of advisors and Team Leaders to achieve their dreams.  

What's your Thermomix® Top Tip?

Set couple of seconds at speed 5 your Thermomix® to clean the blades after removing dough from the mixing bowl. 

Meet the Team Leaders

Adina Gogoloi

Adina Gogoloi

Location: Birmingham

Being a Thermomix® Team Leader & Advisor is such a rewarding feeling. My primary focus is to encourage and involve all family members in cooking, as time is precious and we forget to enjoy little moments together! Words can’t describe how grateful I am to see happiness and healthy meals wherever my Thermomix® goes! 

Katarzyna Jureczko 2

Katarzyna Jureczko

Location: Birmingham

I love being a Team leader because I love working with people. My mission is to show as many people as possible how Thermomix® makes life easier. Through my team, I show my love for Thermomix®.

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Zakia ID EL Karour

Location: Birmingham

I love sharing my passion for cooking and meeting new people. For me, being a Team Leader means enabling women to work while remaining free for their families.

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