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Branch Information

Branch Manager

Desiree Castro


Join us at an event!

Join us at at one of our events, held in our popular branch in Newport! We have a host of cooking classes, hands-on workshops and open days tailored to support you in your journey with Thermomix. All our events are completely FREE to attend so book your space today!

Meet the Branch Manager

Desiree Castro

What's your Vorwerk Story?

I became the first Thermomix® advisor in the South of Ireland in 2010, just five minutes after purchasing my Thermomix® TM31. Since then, we have grown from one to over 80 advisors in this part of Ireland! My favourite part of working for Vorwerk: I love Thermomix® as a product and also the local community of customers and advisors we have created over the years. Cooking classes and get-togethers are a true highlight in everyone's diaries!

What's your Thermomix® Top Tip?

ALWAYS have it on the kitchen counter! Use it for everything, even grinding your coffee or making your porridge in the morning. You will very quickly realise how much time and effort you are saving and will not be able to live without your Thermomix®.

Meet the Team Leaders

Ewelina Walas

Ewelina Walas 

Location: Limerick 

I love being a Team Leader and Thermomix® advisor because it brings me joy to share the convenience and practicality of Thermomix® with others, making everyday life easier and promoting the idea that every household should have one in their kitchen.

Marlena Jennings

Marlena Jennings

Location: Cork, Munster

Attending a Thermomix® demo 7 years ago, I never thought that it would turn into such an amazing journey. It truly transformed my life in every way. Now I want to share my experience,  knowledge, and passion with advisors and customers.

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Marzena Bugajska

Marzena Bugajska 

Location: West Cork - Bandon 

Being a Team Leader brings me lots of satisfaction, also I love working with amazing people who are now my friends, during one of my demo I met girl which is my best friend now! My big Thermomix® family.

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Izabela Lechowicz

Izabela Lechowicz

Location: Ballinhassig/Cork

I love Thermomix® as it helps me to make healthy, balanced food for my family, in a fraction of the time that usually it takes. It helps me to evolve my cooking skills every day and encourages me to use recipes from around the world. 

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