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Branch Information


Branch Manager

Dorota Pragert


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Meet the Branch Manager


What's your Vorwerk Story?

When I first heard about Thermomix I knew I instantly wanted one, but I wanted to earn it for FREE.
I have had a Thermomix since 2020 after falling in love with it whilst watching a fantastic demo. In that moment, seeing the magic happen, I was thinking how this is amazing, I know I want one in my house.
The Covid19 time was very difficult for me and my family so I have decided to join Vorwerk family and earn my very first Thermomix for free!
Do you want to know a secret? This was the best decision I could’ve ever made.

Meet the Team Leaders

Monika b

Monika Brazkiewicz 

Location: Glasgow

I love my Thermomix® because I can make healthy and nutritious food every day with guided cooking and it's great knowing exactly what is going into the food that we put in our bodies.


Dagmara Mosinska

Location: Edinburgh

I love my Thermomix® for allowing me to feed my family in the best possible way while saving me time. Being a Thermomix® Team Leader gives me the flexibility I need and the satisfaction of helping others achieve their goals. 

Get in touch!
